Limited availability of apartments Torenstraat The Hague

Registration: complete your profile

  • Enter your preferences
  • Upload all required documents*
  • Send an email as soon as you are ready
  • Then we will screen your profile

* On your profile page the required documents are indicated, as well as at the bottom of this page. If you encounter troubles uploading your documents, first try to make them smaller; resize them.

Sign up for a viewing

  • You can sign up for a viewing, even if your profile is not complete yet
  • It is not required to attend a viewing
  • The sooner your profile is approved, the greater the chance we will offer you an apartment. This doesn’t depend on your viewing preference

Next steps:

  • Is your profile approved by us? Then you are eligible, as long as there is availability. Make sure your preferred starting date does not lie in the past. You might want to update this regularly. We will then look for a property that matches your preferences and send you a contract. Attached to your contract, we will send a document with all practical information.
  • Sign and pay within one week to make sure it’s final

Information about your required documents

to be uploaded in your profile page

  • Valid ID (passport or drivers license)
  • Photo ID
  • Proof of enrolment at an educational institution
  • Signed guarantor form by parent or guardian
  • ID document guarantor

In some situations, the municipality of The Hague requires the tenant to apply for a housing permit. Students are exempted. For more information, visit the site of the municipality of The Hague.

We draw up a campus contract for students, PhDs and Interns. Then you can live there until you graduate.

If you are 35 or older or if you’re not enrolled at an educational institution, you are not eligible. In the building we aim for a good mix between students, PhDs and Interns.