Limited availability of apartments Torenstraat The Hague
Registration: complete your profile
- Enter your preferences
- Upload all required documents*
- Send an email as soon as you are ready
- Then we will screen your profile
* On your profile page the required documents are indicated, as well as at the bottom of this page. If you encounter troubles uploading your documents, first try to make them smaller; resize them.
- You can sign up for a viewing, even if your profile is not complete yet
- It is not required to attend a viewing
- The sooner your profile is approved, the greater the chance we will offer you an apartment. This doesn’t depend on your viewing preference
Next steps:
- Is your profile approved by us? Then you are eligible, as long as there is availability. We will then look for a property that matches your preferences and send you a contract. Attached to your contract, we will send a document with all practical information.
- Sign and pay within one week to make sure it’s final
*Information about your required documents
to be uploaded in your profile page
In some situations, the municipality of The Hague requires the tenant to apply for a housing permit. For more information, visit the site of the municipality of The Hague.
We draw up a campus contract for students, PhDs and Interns. Then you can live there until you graduate. For young professionals (<35 years) we make a temporary lease with a maximum of 2 years. Then you have to move.
If you are 35 or older as a working person, you are not eligible. In the building we aim for a good mix between students and young professionals.
* If you earn more than € 3943 gross per month, you are only eligible for the largest apartments (type F). In that case, your income may not exceed: € 4880 gross per month (living alone) or a maximum of € 5710 gross per month for the joint income of you and your partner.